Source code for python_hosts.hosts

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" This module contains classes:
A representation of a hosts file entry, i.e. a line containing an IP address
and name(s), a comment, or a blank line/line separator.

A representation of a hosts file, e.g. /etc/hosts and
c:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\drivers\\\\etc\\\\hosts for a linux or MS windows
based machine respectively. Each entry being represented as an instance
of the HostsEntry class.

import sys

    from urllib.request import urlopen
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    from urllib2 import urlopen
from python_hosts.utils import (is_ipv4, is_ipv6, is_readable, valid_hostnames,
from python_hosts.exception import (InvalidIPv6Address, InvalidIPv4Address,

[docs]class HostsEntry(object): """ An entry in a hosts file. """ __slots__ = ['entry_type', 'address', 'comment', 'names'] def __init__(self, entry_type=None, address=None, comment=None, names=None): """ Initialise an instance of a Hosts file entry :param entry_type: ipv4 | ipv6 | comment | blank :param address: The ipv4 or ipv6 address belonging to the instance :param comment: The comment belonging to the instance :param names: The names that resolve to the specified address :return: None """ if not entry_type or entry_type not in ('ipv4', 'ipv6', 'comment', 'blank'): raise Exception('entry_type invalid or not specified') if entry_type == 'comment' and not comment: raise Exception('entry_type comment supplied without value.') if entry_type == 'ipv4': if not all((address, names)): raise Exception('Address and Name(s) must be specified.') if not is_ipv4(address): raise InvalidIPv4Address() if entry_type == 'ipv6': if not all((address, names)): raise Exception('Address and Name(s) must be specified.') if not is_ipv6(address): raise InvalidIPv6Address() self.entry_type = entry_type self.address = address self.comment = comment self.names = names
[docs] def is_real_entry(self): return self.entry_type in ('ipv4', 'ipv6')
def __repr__(self): return "HostsEntry(entry_type={0!r}, address={1!r}, " \ "names={2!r}, comment={3!r})".format( self.entry_type, self.address, self.names, self.comment ) def __str__(self): if self.entry_type in ('ipv4', 'ipv6'): return "TYPE={0}, ADDR={1}, NAMES={2}, COMMENT={3}".format( self.entry_type, self.address, " ".join(self.names), self.comment ) elif self.entry_type == 'comment': return "TYPE = {0}, COMMENT = {1}".format(self.entry_type, self.comment) elif self.entry_type == 'blank': return "TYPE = {0}".format(self.entry_type)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_entry_type(hosts_entry=None): """ Return the type of entry for the line of hosts file passed :param hosts_entry: A line from the hosts file :return: 'comment' | 'blank' | 'ipv4' | 'ipv6' """ if hosts_entry and isinstance(hosts_entry, str): entry = hosts_entry.strip() if not entry or not entry[0] or entry[0] == "\n": return 'blank' if entry[0] == "#": return 'comment' entry_chunks = entry.split() if is_ipv6(entry_chunks[0]): return 'ipv6' if is_ipv4(entry_chunks[0]): return 'ipv4'
[docs] @staticmethod def str_to_hostentry(entry): """ Transform a line from a hosts file into an instance of HostsEntry :param entry: A line from the hosts file :return: An instance of HostsEntry """ split_line = entry.split('#', 1) inline_comment = None if len(split_line) == 2: inline_comment = split_line[1].strip() line_parts = split_line[0].strip().split() else: line_parts = entry.strip().split() if is_ipv4(line_parts[0]) and valid_hostnames(line_parts[1:]): return HostsEntry(entry_type='ipv4', address=line_parts[0], names=line_parts[1:], comment=inline_comment) elif is_ipv6(line_parts[0]) and valid_hostnames(line_parts[1:]): return HostsEntry(entry_type='ipv6', address=line_parts[0], names=line_parts[1:], comment=inline_comment) else: return False
[docs]class Hosts(object): """ A hosts file. """ __slots__ = ['path','entries'] def __init__(self, path=None, entries=None): """ Initialise an instance of a hosts file :param path: The filesystem path of the hosts file to manage :return: None """ self.entries = [] if path: self.path = path else: self.path = self.determine_hosts_path() if entries: self.entries = entries else: self.populate_entries() def __repr__(self): return 'Hosts(path=\'{0}\', entries={1!r})'.format( self.path, self.entries ) def __str__(self): output = ('PATH:{0}\n'.format(self.path)) for entry in self.entries: output += str(entry) + "\n" return output
[docs] def count(self): """ Get a count of the number of host entries :return: The number of host entries """ return len(self.entries)
[docs] @staticmethod def determine_hosts_path(platform=None): """ Return the hosts file path based on the supplied or detected platform. :param platform: a string used to identify the platform :return: detected filesystem path of the hosts file """ if not platform: platform = sys.platform if platform.startswith('win'): result = r"c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts" return result else: return '/etc/hosts'
[docs] def write(self, path=None, mode='w'): """ Write all of the HostsEntry instances back to the hosts file :param path: override the write path :return: Dictionary containing counts """ written_count = 0 comments_written = 0 blanks_written = 0 ipv4_entries_written = 0 ipv6_entries_written = 0 if path: output_file_path = path else: output_file_path = self.path try: with open(output_file_path, mode) as hosts_file: for written_count, line in enumerate(self.entries): if line.entry_type == 'comment': hosts_file.write(line.comment + "\n") comments_written += 1 if line.entry_type == 'blank': hosts_file.write("\n") blanks_written += 1 if line.entry_type == 'ipv4': hosts_file.write( "{0}\t{1}{2}\n".format( line.address, ' '.join(line.names), " # " + line.comment if line.comment else "" ) ) ipv4_entries_written += 1 if line.entry_type == 'ipv6': hosts_file.write( "{0}\t{1}{2}\n".format( line.address, ' '.join(line.names), " # " + line.comment if line.comment else "" ) ) ipv6_entries_written += 1 except Exception: raise UnableToWriteHosts() return {'total_written': written_count + 1, 'comments_written': comments_written, 'blanks_written': blanks_written, 'ipv4_entries_written': ipv4_entries_written, 'ipv6_entries_written': ipv6_entries_written}
[docs] @staticmethod def get_hosts_by_url(url=None): """ Request the content of a URL and return the response :param url: The URL of the hosts file to download :return: The content of the passed URL """ response = urlopen(url) return
[docs] def exists(self, address=None, names=None, comment=None): """ Determine if the supplied address and/or names, or comment, exists in a HostsEntry within Hosts :param address: An ipv4 or ipv6 address to search for :param names: A list of names to search for :param comment: A comment to search for :return: True if a supplied address, name, or comment is found. Otherwise, False. """ for name in (names or [None]): if self.find_all_matching(address=address, name=name, comment=comment): return True for entry in self.entries: if entry.entry_type == 'comment' and entry.comment == comment: return True # elif entry.entry_type in ('ipv4', 'ipv6'): # pass # already covered above return False
[docs] def remove_all_matching(self, address=None, name=None, comment=None): """ Remove all HostsEntry instances from the Hosts object where the supplied ip address, name or comment matches :param address: An ipv4 or ipv6 address :param name: A host name :param comment: A host inline comment :return: None """ if address or name or comment: pass else: raise ValueError('No address, name or comment was specified for removal.') result = self.find_all_matching( address=address, name=name, comment=comment ) self.entries = list(filter(lambda x: x not in result, self.entries))
[docs] def find_all_matching(self, address=None, name=None, comment=None): """ Return all HostsEntry instances from the Hosts object where the supplied ip address or name matches :param address: An ipv4 or ipv6 address :param name: A host name :param comment: A host inline comment :return: HostEntry instances """ results = [] if address or name or comment: for entry in self.entries: if not entry.is_real_entry(): continue if address: if address != entry.address: continue if name: if name not in entry.names: continue if comment: if comment != entry.comment: continue results.append(entry) return results
[docs] def import_url(self, url=None, force=None): """ Read a list of host entries from a URL, convert them into instances of HostsEntry and then append to the list of entries in Hosts :param url: The URL of where to download a hosts file :return: Counts reflecting the attempted additions """ file_contents = self.get_hosts_by_url(url=url).decode('utf-8') file_contents = file_contents.rstrip().replace('^M', '\n') file_contents = file_contents.rstrip().replace('\r\n', '\n') lines = file_contents.split('\n') skipped = 0 import_entries = [] for line in lines: stripped_entry = line.strip() if (not stripped_entry) or (stripped_entry.startswith('#')): skipped += 1 else: line = line.partition('#')[0] line = line.rstrip() import_entry = HostsEntry.str_to_hostentry(line) if import_entry: import_entries.append(import_entry) add_result = self.add(entries=import_entries, force=force) write_result = self.write() return {'result': 'success', 'skipped': skipped, 'add_result': add_result, 'write_result': write_result}
[docs] def import_file(self, import_file_path=None): """ Read a list of host entries from a file, convert them into instances of HostsEntry and then append to the list of entries in Hosts :param import_file_path: The path to the file containing the host entries :return: Counts reflecting the attempted additions """ skipped = 0 invalid_count = 0 if is_readable(import_file_path): import_entries = [] with open(import_file_path, 'r') as infile: for line in infile: stripped_entry = line.strip() if (not stripped_entry) or (stripped_entry.startswith('#')): skipped += 1 else: line = line.partition('#')[0] line = line.rstrip() import_entry = HostsEntry.str_to_hostentry(line) if import_entry: import_entries.append(import_entry) else: invalid_count += 1 add_result = self.add(entries=import_entries) write_result = self.write() return {'result': 'success', 'skipped': skipped, 'invalid_count': invalid_count, 'add_result': add_result, 'write_result': write_result} else: return {'result': 'failed', 'message': 'Cannot read: file {0}.'.format(import_file_path)}
[docs] def add(self, entries=None, force=False, allow_address_duplication=False, merge_names=False): """ Add instances of HostsEntry to the instance of Hosts. :param entries: A list of instances of HostsEntry :param force: Remove matching before adding :param allow_address_duplication: Allow using multiple entries for same address :param merge_names: Merge names where address already exists :return: The counts of successes and failures """ ipv4_count = 0 ipv6_count = 0 comment_count = 0 invalid_count = 0 duplicate_count = 0 replaced_count = 0 import_entries = [] existing_addresses = [x.address for x in self.entries if x.address] existing_names = [] for item in self.entries: if item.names: existing_names.extend(item.names) existing_names = dedupe_list(existing_names) for entry in entries: if entry.entry_type == 'comment': entry.comment = entry.comment.strip() if entry.comment[0] != "#": entry.comment = "# " + entry.comment import_entries.append(entry) elif entry.address in ('', '') or allow_address_duplication: # Allow duplicates entries for addresses used for adblocking if set(entry.names).intersection(existing_names): if force: for name in entry.names: self.remove_all_matching(name=name) import_entries.append(entry) else: duplicate_count += 1 else: import_entries.append(entry) elif entry.address in existing_addresses: if not any((force, merge_names)): duplicate_count += 1 elif merge_names: # get the last entry with matching address entry_names = list() for existing_entry in self.entries: if entry.address == existing_entry.address: entry_names = existing_entry.names break # merge names with that entry merged_names = list(set(entry.names + entry_names)) # remove all matching self.remove_all_matching(address=entry.address) # append merged entry entry.names = merged_names import_entries.append(entry) elif force: self.remove_all_matching(address=entry.address) replaced_count += 1 import_entries.append(entry) elif set(entry.names).intersection(existing_names): if not force: duplicate_count += 1 else: for name in entry.names: self.remove_all_matching(name=name) replaced_count += 1 import_entries.append(entry) else: import_entries.append(entry) for item in import_entries: if item.entry_type == 'comment': comment_count += 1 self.entries.append(item) elif item.entry_type == 'ipv4': ipv4_count += 1 self.entries.append(item) elif item.entry_type == 'ipv6': ipv6_count += 1 self.entries.append(item) return {'comment_count': comment_count, 'ipv4_count': ipv4_count, 'ipv6_count': ipv6_count, 'invalid_count': invalid_count, 'duplicate_count': duplicate_count, 'replaced_count': replaced_count}
[docs] def populate_entries(self): """ Called by the initialiser of Hosts. This reads the entries from the local hosts file, converts them into instances of HostsEntry and adds them to the Hosts list of entries. :return: None """ try: with open(self.path, 'r') as hosts_file: hosts_entries = [line for line in hosts_file] for hosts_entry in hosts_entries: entry_type = HostsEntry.get_entry_type(hosts_entry) if entry_type == "comment": hosts_entry = hosts_entry.replace("\r", "") hosts_entry = hosts_entry.replace("\n", "") self.entries.append(HostsEntry(entry_type="comment", comment=hosts_entry)) elif entry_type == "blank": self.entries.append(HostsEntry(entry_type="blank")) elif entry_type in ("ipv4", "ipv6"): split_entry = hosts_entry.split('#', 1) chunked_entry = split_entry[0].split() comment = None if len(split_entry) == 2: comment = split_entry[1].strip() stripped_name_list = [name.strip() for name in chunked_entry[1:]] self.entries.append( HostsEntry( entry_type=entry_type, address=chunked_entry[0].strip(), names=stripped_name_list, comment=comment)) except IOError: return {'result': 'failed', 'message': 'Cannot read: {0}.'.format(self.path)}